Rules of the Field. 

1. HAVE FUN: You cannot have fun if you are getting hurt, and if you have fun hurting others, you have come to the wrong field. Refs want to have fun too, so PLEASE don’t shoot them.

2. ALWAYS PRACTICE GUN SAFETY: Your guns are designed to look and feel like real weapons. Please treat them as such. Do not aim at anyone or anything you do not intend to shoot. The habits you pick up with these guns, are the habits you will have with a real gun. ALL Airsoft guns must be registered EVERY TIME at the Chrono Station before use on field. This includes pistols.

3. SAFETY ZONE: While in the safety zone, have your mags out, safeties on, FINGERS OFF THE TRIGGER and chambers cleared. If you are dry firing your gun to test it, you have already broken 2 parts of this rule.

4. PAY ATTENTION: You are shooting at each other. On purpose. With guns! In a mesquite and cedar thicket!! WITH CACTUS!! AND ROCKY TERRAIN!!! The “look before you leap” maxim is applicable here. There are lots of things that poke, scratch, bite, sting, etc. Be aware of your surroundings.

5. EYE PRO: MUST be on AT ALL TIMES ON THE FIELD. During games, in-between games, AND AFTER games. DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYE PRO OFF. Not even to de-fog. You can remove your eye pro in the designated safety zones. (picnic table and parking area).

6. BLIND MAN: Blind Man is our field safety call. If someone is injured or your eye pro falls off, call blind man. If you hear blind man, put your guns on safety, and take up the call. Take a knee until further instruction. DO NOT empty your chamber, DO NOT test fire your gun.

7. NO BLIND FIRING: If you do not see a target down the barrel of your gun, don’t shoot. Spray and pray counts as blind fire.

8. Caution Using Full Auto: Use controlled bursts when using full auto, including in semi-auto mode. Give a FULL SECOND between bursts to give your target a chance to call hit. We want to limit over shooting. No full auto inside of the buildings. If on the first floor you can full auto out of a window or door if your barrel is breaching the thresh hold. This will prevent someone from walking into your line of fire.

9. CALL YOUR HITS: Not doing so causes arguments and breaks Rule #1. If anything you are wearing or carrying is hit, CALL YOUR HIT! This includes your gun, your hat, your shoelace, your riot shield, etc. Ricochets don't count. Friendly fire is not friendly. It counts. Call your hit loudly and clearly, MOVE OUT OF THE LINE OF FIRE, and pull out your dead rag or raise your hand. Keep in mind, this is a DENSE brush area, it is difficult to tell if you hit somebody or not. DO NOT call out other players. It causes arguments and breaks rule #1. Ask a Ref to keep an eye on players you feel are shrugging hits.

10. RESPAWNS: When you get shot, go touch your re-spawn point. YOU MUST TOUCH YOUR SPAWN POINT BEFORE REENTERING THE GAME.

11. OBSERVE MINIMUM ENGAGEMENT DISTANCE: There are 4 minimum engagement distances (med). The med is determined by the your weapon classification at the chrono station.

1. Sub machine guns, light rifles, compact rifles, shotguns, pistols. 0 ft med for weapons that chrono at less than 1.15 joules using any gram bb.

2. Rifles 20 ft med for any weapon that chrono between 1.16-1.55 joules using any gram bb.

3. DMR (designated marksman rifles), LMG (light machine guns). 50 ft med for any weapon that shoots between 1.56-1.88 joules using any gram bb.

4. Sniper rifles. 100 ft med for any bolt action rifle that shoots at 1.89 – 2.88 joules using any gram bb.

12. Safety Kills and Parlay. Safety kills do not have to be accepted. Repeat: Safety kills do not have to be accepted. You can walk up to a player within 10 ft and call out “safety kill”. The opposing player can accept the safety kill at his or her own discretion. If two players shoot each other at the same time within 10 ft of each other, they may both agree to Parlay. If agreed, then both players will separate 50ft then continue their game play.

13. OBSERVE BOUNDARIES: Yellow tape and barbed wire mark outer boundaries, never cross those. Red tape marks boundaries between fields. Stay in bounds for whatever field we are playing on.

No foul language or violence. Again, we are ALL here to have fun; it’s hard to do that when you are mad. If there are ANY DISPUTES, call a ref over.

15. KEEP IN MIND THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING RULES: First offense: you receive a warning. Second offense: you are removed from gameplay for a game. Third offense: Bye. These rules are here for your safety and everyone else’s. They are not requests or suggestions.

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