
Airsoft is a competitive team shooting sport held in an outdoor or indoor environment. Airsoft is played using realistic military replicas that shoot 6mm bb's . Think paintball, but without the mess, the expensive paintballs, and the bruising pain.

My name is GQ Shooter, founder of Airsoft Texas.

Airsoft Texas

I first got into airsoft in 2017. Me and a couple of my friends rented the guns and gear and discovered a new passion. This was like playing Call of Duty, except in a real world setting. Since then I have traveled all over the state of Texas honing my skills playing indoors, outdoors, military bases, and at abandoned hospitals. During this great journey I have made many friends, slayed countless enemies, started my own squad (Tac X), started a youtube channel (GQ Shooter), and now this field, Airsoft Texas 10. My journey has come full circle and I continue to shake my head in amazement at how far my love for this sport has taken me. The exhiliration and excitement I felt in my first airsoft game has not diminished after my 100th game and I want to share that feeling with all who come to my field. Welcome and LET'S GET IT ON!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

When are you open?

Saturdays and Sundays from 9am-5pm. Game play starts at 10am. We can open during the week for birthday parties and private parties. Just give me a couple days of notice and we will make it happen.

What is the age limit?

Minimum age is 10. Anyone under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign your waiver. Also 18 and under must wear protective face gear.

Do I need my own airsoft gun?

We rent top of the line airsoft rifles. Only $25 for the entire day. Choose between an M4 assault rifle with a 300 round magazine, an AK-47 with a 400 round magazine or a P90 submachine gun.​​​​​​ 

 What do I need to bring for my first visit?

You don't have to bring anything. We can supply all your safety and weapon needs. But I do suggest you wear some type of long sleeve shirts or sweater and jeans.

 Is it painful?

It does sting. Think of someone snapping you with a rubber band. It is not intolerable but you will DEFINITELY feel it when you get hit. Wear a sweater if you are skeptical and will barely feel it.

 Do I need to be part of a squad to play?

Heck no. Just come. Play. Make friends. Shoot enemies. Have fun!